D&O Celtic Jewelry

Custom 3D Printed Designs

Black Vase
Black Vase

Another part of D&O is custom 3D printed designs. If you want a custom piece of jewelry with initials, or a logo, or, anything really, it can be done. Because 3D printing services like Shapeways others can deliver items so quickly now, your item can go from idea to reality in a few weeks.

How the process normally works is a customer gives me an idea. Then I will make a model of it in 3D, and send some pictures of the 3D model. Then I’ll get feedback on things that need to be changed or added. We may go back and forth a couple times until it is correct. Then we would decide what material to make it in, and order it from Shapeways. It’s really quite simple.

Price for custom designs really depends on the complexity of the design. If it is fairly simple, I will add a certain amount to the final price when we order the item. If it is a lot more complicated, I may ask for a fee up front to cover my time. It just depends on how long it looks like it might take.

Also keep in mind I design other things than jewelry.  I’ve designed toys, tools, vases, and even prototype products. What I love about 3D printing is the only limit is your imagination!

A custom necklace I designed
A custom tool I designed
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